Messages of Support FERDINAND R. MARCOS JRPresidentREPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ALEXANDER K. RAMOSExecutive DirectorCYBERCRIME INVESTIGATION AND COORDINATING CENTER (CICC) PGEN BENJAMIN C. ACORDA, JRChief of PolicePHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE (PNP) Maria Margarita Montemayor NogralesChief Operating OfficerTOURISM PROMOTIONS BOARD PHILIPPINES (TPB) PBGEN SIDNEY S. HERNIADirectorPHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE ANTI-CYBERCRIME GROUP (ACG) PCOL JERICH ROYALESActing DirectorPHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT SERVICE (ITMS)